Friday, October 12, 2007

Andie Valentino

The clang of the lock was distributed, the door in a room has opened. - now, beauties, we shall be amused. Andie Valentino saw, that you three such frightened. All right, speak, if rape is inevitable, relax and take pleasure, - Well-‡, it is fast in a lap forward march in a hall, and that receive from me, - Andie Valentino lesbian has opened a door of a cell, swung leather long pletkoj Young ladies have spread in a lap aside a hall. Banditki have untied Andie hands and have stretched it on a bed. Andie Valentino naked, undressed up to pantalon, with the hands connected above a head, laid on a bed.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Andie Valentino videos

Andie Valentino videos has approached to hot Andie which has covered the naked breasts with a hand. - well, inside Andie Valentino, that you nachalnitsa has refused to rise before me on knees, you and strip almost naked. You wish to revenge for it and to undress the boss? You will be given, probably, with special pleasure to strip naked this beautiful Andie. - it is not necessary, I ask you, - has uttered indistinctly Valentino, - Andie hardcore good and very decent - As it is not necessary, - scoffed Andie Valentino masturbating, - it is necessary, very much even it is necessary. Give, undress this to a knot, instead of that I you trahnu.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

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- Andie Valentino nude, - come to me, please! - Andie Valentino, thirty-year young harmonous beautiful kazashka, director of Open Company " Ladies' world ", has wearily cast away on a back of an armchair and has looked in a window. The Andie Valentino nude sun made the way through jalousie, a cool years breeze, pleasantly blew in a cabinet and attracted on street. Also it would not be desirable to think of work at all and to go on these negotiations. The assistant has entered into a cabinet, hot Andie, the charming very young long-haired blonde, the graduate of Institute of service. More recently, to it it was executed only 22 years. The girl has been dressed in a years suit: a light jacket, thin pink bluzku and a light skirt in length up to knees. Andie Valentino nude has left because of a table. Young lady has been dressed elegantly: in satiny long pritalennyj a jacket, snow-white thin bluzku and very long, up to shchikolotok, fitting satiny skirt.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Andie Valentino clean her car

Andie Valentino clean her car all heard their voices more silently and more silently, they gradually left, then have abated at all. Has slapped a door, the lock has clicked. Again it has remained in loneliness. It was difficult to present, as it can lead thus some hours, expecting their returning, and then and three more days off of day to lead these days hardly wrapped up, laying on beds as Andie Valentino promised. It did not doubt, that and will be - Andie Valentino videos simply so nothing spoke. Numerous attempts to be released had no success, and still it instinctively continued to be pulled out and coil, straining muscles, twitching here and there, trying to weaken hvatku a bedsheet or to slip out them. To what to means it resorted, as though well and assiduously tried, actions did not approach it on a step to an outcome. With each unfortunate attempt its hope to catch freedom thew, while its despair and feeling of feebleness increased. Andie Valentino has lost count of time which has absorbed it in the slow slow river which coast it was not visible and from which Andie it is impossible to come up. When, at last, its hope has failed in a chasm, and feebleness became extremely frightening, it has felt a complex mix of feelings which result was difficult for bringing to its excited reason.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Andie Valentino has a good ass

Andie Valentino has a good ass... There was Andie Valentino, has approached to a bed, has sat down on an edge. Its person expressed a celebration of the winner and spoke that its artful plan has gone right. - Has woken up at last. I see, you are surprised by that occurs. Well, it is necessary to give you some explanatories. Andie poured to you somnolent in wine. You at this night badly slept, and so were tired, therefore it has worked on you instantly. I even itself did not expect. Yes on you several minutes ago it was possible to cut fire wood. You slept likely hour three - this time more than enough that you to roll up as follows, and not hurrying up at all. You likely thought, that we shall play a little, and will suffice. As you see, it not so - game proceeds. We ahead will have still more many sweet instants. Andie could open before you a soul and explain to you, what for all this is necessary and why. But I shall tell only, that I for a long time wished to make with you something similar, to subordinate you, and it was possible to me. I would not make it if badly you knew or if knew sex tape, that really will be against. This good ass on the lock which you could not unfasten is there was a trap. Knowing you what you are, hot Andie hoped, that you will get, though and poorly trusted in it. The trap was the primitive - but you have got. If it has not occured, I would think up something another. I too have bought a blanket not simply so. Also it is necessary, as it is successful, as in time. Andie Valentino has a good ass. As a last resort, I can be covered by it. It such beautiful and pleasant to the touch.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Andie Valentino likes flower

Andie Valentino likes flower... At last hot Andie Valentino has completely realized the position. The conclusion was unfavourable - it has understood, that has again got in a trap from which it to not get out. To it the feeling of the full feebleness again has seized, already begun to seem to such friends. Though it also has received yesterday something similar to pleasure, that was in such to a captivity, but today its mood had no to any games. It would not like again at all so bezvolno to lay, as if someone's toy - it would like freedom. Again it has made an attempt to be liberated, but it has appeared all the same what to struggle against the elements. A fragile little craft against a nine-mark storm, a cable column against a tornado, a pise-walled shanty against flooding, and hot Andie Valentino sex tape against a blanket - chances at all are equal.
Andie Valentino likes flower, but approached to a bed, has sat down on an edge. Its person expressed a celebration of the winner in hot scene and spoke that its artful plan has gone right.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Andie Valentino videos

Both words, and questions here were really inappropriate. Andie Valentino videos knew, that from it it is required. It it is cautious liznula Andie Valentino. Having overcome it has started to understand confusion, that can be, anything such terrible and is not present, it is just necessary to relax and be forgotten, though for a while. It has caught herself on an idea, that for what would disagree to exchange with hot Andie lesbian roles. Was something quivering though it realized it very vaguely, that it was in authority of such strong and attractive person as Andie sex tape. It liznula is more confident, then still, then has begun to work as language, diligently and at the same time gently. Andie Valentino videos convulsively podragivala and postanyvala, quietly, but in its groans was felt passion and huge desire. Valentino very much it wanted to look at what at Andie now a look. At last, Andie Valentino videos has cast away back, closed eyes, strongly having compressed palms between bedrami, coiling on a bed, enjoying longing instants. Gradually passions uleglis, it has risen, its person eloquently expressed satisfaction.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Andie Valentino naked

- Yes, Andie Valentino saw, how you were played, had a good time here with yourself while Andie Valentino naked was not. Itself has played enough, and how I? nelli in confusion has looked away aside. - I at all meant it. All right, but even eat Andie Valentino could? - Ah you mine Andie Valentino naked! My doll has got hungry absolutely! Now, now. Andie Valentino, free Andie Valentino porn movies has left a room, later some minutes have returned, holding on a plate pair hot sandwiches and a glass koly. Having put meal on a little table near to a bed, it has raised head nelli, villages on a bed itself, having put its head to herself on knees, then, having embraced its one hand and supporting, the second began to feed, as though present child. Andie has eaten all with greater appetite, still, put already to approach evening, and it only since morning has easily had a bite. Hot Andie has put utensils on a little table and has laid down near to Andie Valentino sex tape, stroking a blanket. Some mine have passed in silence. nelli the first has broken silence. - when you will release me? - it has asked. - when I shall want. - And when you will want? Andie Valentino naked for a minute has reflected. - I yet have not solved. Can, you want something for a dessert? - Valentino's voice became similar to purring of a cat. - yes. And what dessert? Andie has slowly risen, has drawn curtains. The room has plunged into soft twilight. It began to undress slowly.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hot Andie Valentino

Andie Valentino has fastened last bow, udovletvorenno has sighed and was straightened. On its person it was appreciable, that it is happy with the work. - and you at me a beauty! - it has told, - you so with bows even like me more. Well, well, here also you will so lay at me. nelli has restlessly begun to move and zahnykala. - do not think At all to be released itself, a beauty. I am not simple so so much time has spent, that you to turn. So anything at you will not leave. Andie nue it was not appeased in any way. - ah, forgive, has absolutely forgotten. - Hot Andie Valentino has got tiny kljuchiki, has turned hot Valentino a head aside, has inserted kljuchiki into a chink. Valentino has heard behind of itself click, thongs oslabli, hot Andie has taken out kljap at it from a mouth. For so long time of jaw nelli have absolutely grown dumb. It has slowly closed a mouth which there and then strove to open again. For so long stay in a mouth kljap became almost as native, there was such sensation as though in a mouth something does not suffice. It slowly poshevelila cheljustjami here and there that them to knead. - means, you have decided to recollect the childhood, - have slowly spoken Andie Valentino, - Have decided to play with me, how with that girl? - name it as you want, but I already for a long time thought of it, and here such chance is given to me. - but what for all this? We could discuss all over again it, and then … - do not worry, dear, is simple we shall a little play. - I have already played enough, - indignant Hot Andie Valentino. Andie has laughed.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Andie Valentino

Movements of Andie Valentino became faster, breath became frequent, and here, the hard jet of sperm has shot to it at a mouth. Andie Valentino zameshkalas for a second, and then has begun to suck with the double force, as though making up missed. My dick was reduced, throwing out strong jets to Valentino in a mouth. And here, the first drops of sperm have seemed on corners of its lips, it was discharged and some times has deeply swallowed, and has then nestled and began to lick my head slowly. Andie Valentino pulled out its hair, ironed cheeks, pounding on them sperm. At last it has cast away on a sofa and Andie Valentino nue have failed near to it. Hardly we had time to put into ourselves the order, at a door friends have called. Water for shrimps has boiled, beer was already enough cooled, and we have begun our small party. After the first thirst has been satisfied, to me the desire has returned, and at sights at Andie and its sponges in trousers at me my irrepressible member has started to pulse. We have sat a little more, have drunk some beer, have eaten shrimps. There has come awkward silence. To Tishin has unloaded Andie Valentino: - Want, Andie Valentino video to you shall dance? - it has offered. We have exchanged glances and with pleasure have agreed. We send to a room, settle on a sofa, Andie Valentino have included music. It has turned to us a back and has sat down. In a step to impacts of music it began to rise, being curved as a cat and soon we could see for a second its juicy popku. It has turned to us and has started to dance. Valentino breasts rocked in a step to its movements, raising our imagination. It liked to look at that effect which made on us its dance. Slowly dancing, it has pulled a lightning downwards and has stopped it hardly below the breast. To not give out excitation we convulsively have crossed legs. It has bent down, showing to us juicy breasts hardly covered by clothes juice with large brown dummies. Then Valentino has thrown off a jacket and one shoulder and has naked one breast. We were in ecstasy. Its raised dummies looked directly at us, teasing and attracting simultaneously. Having turned to us it was released by a back from a jacket unnecessary already and sharply having curved has turned to us.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Andie Valentino sex tape

As run year! I recollect to Andie Valentino sex tape. So well it I remember, as if dispatch the last summer. When I have got acquainted with it, to it was equal eighteen. We have lived together two years. It turns out, that it is not present with me about three years! Andie Valentino! Often recollecting details of our meetings, Andie Valentino sex tape continued to be surprised - as it could be given me so selflessly and enthusiastically, not loving? Within two years it aspired to me, itself called to me when at it free evening stood out. We spent all free time together and its greater part to beds. Andie Valentino raskovanno and voluptuously it met my freakish desires. Reasonableness in such days thew in my head as wax on fire, and its calling weakness, raznezhennaja humility awoke in me an animal. I took it devoutly, and delighted from its languid postanyvany, with consciousness, that to it it is good with me. " Andie do not love you. What for to continue? " - it has told, later two years of our joint life. The offended vanity has thrown to me blood in a head: " Well, so give rasstanemsja! " Andie Valentino is strange, but on eyes at it tears nevertheless have acted. It Andie as before, Andie Valentino sex tape shall start to convince it of the love can hoped, that. Its eyes have bulked up from tears, it has removed the gold ringlet presented by me from a finger. And we dispatch in the different parties. In vanity of everyday lives, among everyday interests Andie do not notice time. Mind, physical strengths are directed to achievement of the various purposes. But so the brain, that this pain - a pain of loneliness is artfully arranged...