Monday, September 24, 2007

Hot Andie Valentino

Andie Valentino has fastened last bow, udovletvorenno has sighed and was straightened. On its person it was appreciable, that it is happy with the work. - and you at me a beauty! - it has told, - you so with bows even like me more. Well, well, here also you will so lay at me. nelli has restlessly begun to move and zahnykala. - do not think At all to be released itself, a beauty. I am not simple so so much time has spent, that you to turn. So anything at you will not leave. Andie nue it was not appeased in any way. - ah, forgive, has absolutely forgotten. - Hot Andie Valentino has got tiny kljuchiki, has turned hot Valentino a head aside, has inserted kljuchiki into a chink. Valentino has heard behind of itself click, thongs oslabli, hot Andie has taken out kljap at it from a mouth. For so long time of jaw nelli have absolutely grown dumb. It has slowly closed a mouth which there and then strove to open again. For so long stay in a mouth kljap became almost as native, there was such sensation as though in a mouth something does not suffice. It slowly poshevelila cheljustjami here and there that them to knead. - means, you have decided to recollect the childhood, - have slowly spoken Andie Valentino, - Have decided to play with me, how with that girl? - name it as you want, but I already for a long time thought of it, and here such chance is given to me. - but what for all this? We could discuss all over again it, and then … - do not worry, dear, is simple we shall a little play. - I have already played enough, - indignant Hot Andie Valentino. Andie has laughed.

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